It's Not All Black and White

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Friday Funny -- On Sunday

Sorry I didn't get you a funny on Friday. But this is appropriate anyway. I live in Pittsburgh, a football town, a Steelers town. So you may not all be as amused by this as me. AND we play the Cleveland Browns today, the rivals.

So here it is:

A Steelers fan liked to amuse himself by scaring every Browns fan he saw strutting down a Pittsburgh street in an obnoxious orange and brown shirt. He would swerve his van as if to hit them, then swerve back just missing them.

One day, while driving along on the North Side, he saw a priest walking along the street. He thought he would do a good deed, so he pulled over and asked the priest, "Where are you going, Father?"

"I'm going to give Mass at St. Francis church, about two miles down the road," replied the priest.

"Climb in, Father. I'll give you a lift!"

The priest climbed into the passenger seat, and they continued down the road. Suddenly, the driver saw a Browns fan walking down the road, and he instinctively swerved as if to hit him. But, as usual, he swerved back onto the road just in time. Even though he was certain that he had missed the guy, he still heard a loud THUD.

Not knowing where the noise came from, he glanced in his mirrors but still didn't see anything.

He then remembered the priest, and he turned to the priest and said,

"Sorry, Father, I almost hit that Browns fan!"

"That's OK," replied the priest, "I got him with the door."


Heather said...

ROFL. Great joke and I definitely didn't see that punch line coming!

Anonymous said...

oh bethany, i just finished listening to the game (and holding my breath!) and THEN read this. TOO FUNNY!!!

Anonymous said...

This was too funny to keep to myself. My FIL is a Brown fan & my DH is a Steeler fan. So I guess you know the rest, I didn't score any points with the in-laws.

thanks for the laugh,CathyS

Bev said...

Great one Bethany! I was watching the game on the edge of my seat watching my triplet nieces (3yrs old) - what a trip that was!!
Bev (a pgh'er too!)

Rose Ann said...

Oh my...not what I was expecting, and too funny!

Anonymous said...

OMG! This one is soooo funny!