I'm separating these posts so that you can choose which to read and which to skip over. So, here's where I've been for the past week, since you and I both know I haven't been here blogging.
My mom's cancer is eating her bones, particularly her femur, to the point that it was ready to break just from her own body weight. So her doctor sent her to the emergency room as the only means of getting a bed in the hospital so that she could have surgery: drilling a whole down her leg bone from hip to knee to insert a metal rod and pins to support her. Once the cancer is in remission, the bones will rebuild themselves. My parents arrived at the emergency room at 2:30 in the afternoon last Wednesday. I arrived at about 5:30 in the afternoon. They FINALLY got her a room at two o'clock IN THE MORNING!!! So I had to get a security guard to walk me to my car in the now closed parking lot in not the best part of town. I get to bed about three a.m. Then, Thursday through Sunday I split my time between visiting my mom, cleaning my house a little and sleeping. Sunday, I visit my mom and come home to a house full of people my husband had invited over a few weeks ago. They stick around for an enjoyable but tiring (for me) evening until sometime past midnight. Monday my mom got discharged and went home, so I pretty much
layed around all day. Aaaaah...bliss.
Tuesday I make the 3 -1/2 hour round trip drive to my mom's, staying all day cleaning, doing laundry, picking up medicines, putting dinner together. While there, my aunt and a visiting friend both ask if I'm staying the night or for a few days to help my mom. Feeling guilty that I had not planned to do this, I say I can do whatever. I did, however, go home.
Wednesday, I have a dentist appointment for a cleaning, exam, and tooth extraction. You know, because I haven't been having enough fun already. As promised, the worst part was the Novocaine, and the tooth is out before I even know what's going on. Have you ever passed out? I have the unfortunate tendency of doing so when having blood drawn. The point being, I KNOW what it feels like when I'm about to pass out. I'm standing at the counter, waiting to pay my dentist bill, and the feeling's coming on strong. "Is there somewhere I can lie down? I feel really dizzy." The receptionist's response it to look at me like I'm crazy and tell me I can sit in the lobby if I really want. Sparing only a second to consider what a moron she is, I book it to a lobby seat and start to put my head between my knees, since my only other options are lying on the floor or falling into a boneless heap on the floor...not cool, either of them. Then I remember the dentist's dire warning: do not spit, smoke, use a straw or BEND OVER as this could result in the blood clot falling out, causing "dry socket" and a pain so unbearable even narcotics will not help. Okay, back to a sitting position. I am now terrifying all of the small children in the office getting their back-to-school cleanings. One mother insists on bringing me a cool, damp paper towel, as, according to her, I'm "looking pretty green". The receptionist at this point decides that yes, maybe I should lie down, and directs me to one of the dentist chairs in the back, which she, of course, leaves in the upright position. So, I'm trying to slink down as far as I can to get some blood back to my brain, while at the same time text messaging my mother-in-law for a ride home and explaining to the dentist (with a large wad on gauze shoved in the back of my mouth) what is going on. I finally feel well enough to stand up, so I slink back to the counter in all my shameful indignity to pay my bill and then sit in my car until my ride arrives. Thank goodness MIL was home, only ten minutes away and actually did come right away. The rest of the day consisted of a pressure headache (due to the near unconsciousness), almost passing out each time I got off the couch for several hours, and eating tiny pieces of cut up spaghetti for dinner like a
And if you've read this far, thank you! I hope I didn't sound too irritating,
whiny, or downtrodden. I've taken the time to rest and rejuvenate. My parents have been really good, appreciative, and undemanding. It's me that feels I should be there as much as I can, not them. My husband has been so supportive, even though I wigged out on him a couple of times. Today has been pleasantly uneventful. I even stamped. I'll post that card next.
{{{HUGS}}} to all. Thank you for the kind cards, comments and support.